Hall of Shame: Preventive Maintenance Edition
Even when systems are installed with top notch workmanship…

Photo of the Week: Wire Management Practices
Array wire management is an area where different materials and…

Photo of the Week: Enclosure Mounting
Enclosures are designed to be mounted from the designed mounting…

Photo of the Week: Splice Box Maintenance
Wire Splices are a common point of failure that that can be prevented…

Photo of the Month: PVC Conduits
PVC conduits are acceptable when used properly (lots of expansion…

Photo of the Month: Corrosion
NEMA 3R and 4 inverters and outdoor cabinets may be rated for…

Photo of the Month: Improper Raceway
This installer gets full points for creativity, but fails miserably…

Photo of the Month: Maintain Vegetation
Two things went wrong here. First, the vegetation was not maintained,…

Photo of the Month: Wire Management
At this site, the intermodule wiring is zip-tied to the rails…

Photo of the Month: Mysterious Water in Enclosures
During O&M we often find combiner boxes and disconnect switches…

Photo of the Month: Irresponsible Inverter Repair
While conducting O&M on a Satcon 250kW central inverter,…

Photo of the Month: Standing on Modules
I appreciate Shoal’s new arc fault technology as shown in this…

Photo of the Month: Irresponsible Layout
Just when I thought I have seen it all…
Notice the mid-clamp…

Photo of the Month: Awful Wire Management
We were called out to investigate a performance issue at a site,…

Photo of the Month: Dangerous Cable Tray
At this site, cable tray was used for wire management between…

Photo of the Month: Improper Edge Setback
There was ample space on the roof, but the installer placed the…

Photo of the Month: Wrong Ballast Type
On this system, the installer stacked ballast so high that it…