Understanding Microgrid Due Diligence
In the United States, energy storage capacity has now surpassed…

5 Important Duties of a Solar Owners Engineer
According to Statista, global solar photovoltaic capacity has…

What Is Photovoltaic Solar Energy and How Does it Work?
Nowadays, it's not uncommon to find solar panels installed by…

Expect the Unexpected: The Impacts of Grid Congestion on Solar Development
As the installed capacity of solar PV systems in the US continues…

Lessons from the Early Adopters
PV Pros has provided clients with professional services for more…

Developing Bankable Solar and Energy Storage Projects
To fund solar and energy storage projects, developers must first…

Understanding Bifacial Gain in PV Power Plants
Unlike conventional PV modules that convert only front-side irradiance…

Pro Tips for Passing a PV System Capacity Test
The basic goal of ASTM E2848, “Standard Test Method for Reporting…

Avoiding the Limitations of Workmanship and Equipment Warranties in C&I and Utility Solar Applications
Workmanship and equipment warranties are the only thing that…

Solar Asset Acquisition: Optimizing the Value of Third-Party Engineering Services During and After Construction
For IPPs that acquire solar assets after projects are developed…

Solar Asset Acquisition: Optimizing the Value of Third-Party Engineering Services During Development and Design
Independent power producers (IPPs) have different business models…

Independent Engineering Versus Owner’s Engineering
When companies do not have in-house engineering—or when an…

Best Practices Versus Code Compliance
Technical due diligence is essential to solar project success…

Importance of Accurate As-Built Drawings
As an Owner’s Engineer, PV Pros often supports clients by making…

Climate-Specific Design - Risk vs Value Engineering
Mother Nature provides an unlimited source of clean energy from…

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Connector Mismatch
PV connector mismatch is one of the most common solar project…

Optimizing I-V Curve Tracing Activities
Through our work as an Owner’s Engineer, PV Pros has extensive…

Using Aerial Imaging in Lieu of Boots on the Ground
The strategic and efficient use of resources for PV system commissioning…

When to use PVsyst, HelioScope, and SAM
At PV Pros, our project managers and engineers use photovoltaic…

What is Technical Debt?
Technical Debt is the cost to the system owner as a result of…

3rd Party Drawing Reviews Reduce Risk
1 Comment
PV Pros has been helping our clients de-risk in their assets…

Technical Due Diligence for Solar Purchase and/or Acquisitions
PV Pros has been helping our client’s de-risk in their assets…

The Cost of Quality – A Solar IE’s perspective
There is a well-known business adage called the “Cost of Quality”.…

Under-Performance - Part 2: Soiling, Snow, & Shade
Modules can underperform for a variety of environmental and non-environmental…

Under-Performance - Part 1: The Sun's Potential
Modules can underperform for a variety of environmental and non-environmental…

Effects of COVID-19 on the Solar Industry
We spend a lot of time on the phone with our clients and vendors,…

PV Pros’ O&M Division acquired by Omnidian - PV Pros focuses on Independent Engineering
PV Pros has provided Solar O&M and Independent Engineering…

The Importance of Torque for PV System Longevity
Torque is a commonly used term in Solar PV system inspection,…

Conduct Due Diligence In-House or Hire a Specialist?
As covered in our previous articles in this series (Article…

Buyers Need an Owner’s Engineer in this Sellers’ Market
PV Pros has been helping buyers de-risk in their asset acquisition…

3G Wireless Network Obsolescence and Its Impact on Solar
By the end of 2019, Verizon will obsolete its coverage on

Spring Time for Preventive Maintenance
Spring cleaning also applies to solar! After harsh exposure…

Hall of Shame: Preventive Maintenance Edition
Even when systems are installed with top notch workmanship…

ASTM E2848 Capacity Test for Beginners
Capacity and performance ratio tests are used to demonstrate…

Acquiring Existing Photovoltaic Systems
A Photovoltaic (PV) System may change hands multiple times over…

Photo of the Week: Wire Management Practices
Array wire management is an area where different materials and…

2017 Asset Management and Performance Conference
PV Pros Director discusses the needs of O&M team integration…

Photo of the Week: Enclosure Mounting
Enclosures are designed to be mounted from the designed mounting…

Photo of the Week: Splice Box Maintenance
Wire Splices are a common point of failure that that can be prevented…

Photo of the Month: PVC Conduits
PVC conduits are acceptable when used properly (lots of expansion…

Photo of the Month: Corrosion
NEMA 3R and 4 inverters and outdoor cabinets may be rated for…

Photo of the Month: Improper Raceway
This installer gets full points for creativity, but fails miserably…

Photo of the Month: Maintain Vegetation
Two things went wrong here. First, the vegetation was not maintained,…

Photo of the Month: Wire Management
At this site, the intermodule wiring is zip-tied to the rails…

Photo of the Month: Mysterious Water in Enclosures
During O&M we often find combiner boxes and disconnect switches…

Photo of the Month: Irresponsible Inverter Repair
While conducting O&M on a Satcon 250kW central inverter,…

Photo of the Month: Standing on Modules
I appreciate Shoal’s new arc fault technology as shown in this…

Photo of the Month: Irresponsible Layout
Just when I thought I have seen it all…
Notice the mid-clamp…

Photo of the Month: Awful Wire Management
We were called out to investigate a performance issue at a site,…

Photo of the Month: Dangerous Cable Tray
At this site, cable tray was used for wire management between…